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How to Improve Your Life - Exercise from Zoe

Improve Your Life: An Exercise from Zoe

We know you work with us for very specific reasons: improve your health, find inner peace, boost your wellbeing, connect with your own spirituality, create an authentic life and get your career/life purpose off the ground and flying, to name a few.

We also...

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How to Go on a Retreat at Home

How to Go On a Retreat at Home

Want to just get away and go on a retreat somewhere? But you can't? 

If you think you might benefit from some down time whilst at home, here’s my top tips on how you can take time to de-stress, unwind, nurture and rejuvenate yourself- without having to...

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Foods To Help Keep You Strong

guest post you first Mar 06, 2018

Foods To Help Keep You Strong

I know all too well how the mind and/or our level of spiritual connection can positively or negatively affect your physical body.  However, this blog will focus on what foods can help keep you strong, in body, mind and spirit.

Food, and what you eat, is one way...

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Be Honest with Yourself and Be More YOU

Be Honest with Yourself

I’ve learnt that I can’t be the best version of me without being truthful and honest with myself.  It feels strange to say that out loud as I’ve always thought of myself as a very honest and open person!

However, when I look at this more closely,...

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Why You Want to Drop the Faรงade to Find Love

Why You Want to Drop the Façade to Find Love

If you’re about to go on a date, I’m going to suggest you don’t make too much of a big effort.

Why? Let me tell you a story...

A client of man was rich and wanted to find love.

But he faced an issue: were the women there for...

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Imperfect Love Can Be GOOD Love

Imperfect Love Can Be Good

When it comes to love, imperfect can be good.

(Disclaimer: I am not talking about accepting s***!)

Why Can Imperfect Love Be 'Good'?

Because striving for perfection in love doesn’t work. It doesn't work because it doesn't exist. Strive for perfection in love and...

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Your Life Can Feel Meaningful

Life Can Feel Meaningful

Do you believe your life can be meaningful? I don’t know about you, but I was raised to believe that you have to work hard in life and that nothing comes easily. Looking back I never thought my life could be helpful, meaningful or joyful.

I’m now discovering...

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Are You Ready to Make a Plan for the New Year?

Are You Ready to Make a Plan for the New Year?

December is the time of year we all start to reflect on our goals we have achieved for the year and the ones we haven’t. What many of us fail to recognize is to achieve our goals, firstly we need to make sure we have a plan in place, not only...

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The Mind Can Be Crazy - A Poem

The Mind Can Be Crazy

We received this wonderful poem from a fabulous woman who is currently working very hard to overcome her anxiety. Turning struggle into art takes courage and is always fabulously therapeutic. We hope you love it and can take time to turn your life’s lemons into...

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Turn Stress-mass into Christmas Wellness

Turn Stress-mass into Christmas Wellness

Christmas very easily turns into stress-mass for many of us; deadlines at work need to be met, your social calendar is fuller than other times, presents have to be bought and wrapped and all at a time when we’re supposed to...

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