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Enlightened Doing Part 2: How to Get Moving

Enlightened Doing Part 2: How to Get Moving

There’s an art to living a happy, successful and fulfilling life.

It requires your Being (the experience of having a peaceful connection with your inner self) and doing (getting things done) to mostly live in harmony.

When they...

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Enlightened Doing Part 1: I Feel Like It’s Taking Forever!

Enlightened Doing Part 1: I Feel Like It’s Taking Forever!

You want to do or achieve something. Thinking of it feels good. You know it’s ‘right’. You are already applying yourself. but for some reason it just feels like its taking forever…

Perhaps it's a simple...

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Why Rest and Relaxation Matters

Why Rest and Relaxation Matters

If you often feel tired, exhausted, short-fused or even emotionally out of sorts, you might need some rest and relaxation! Life is increasingly busier, expectations are rising and in a digitally connected world, this can make switching off difficult. If you want to...

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Unconditional Love: Why You Want to Love Unconditionally

Unconditional Love: Why You Want to Love Unconditionally

With the month of romance upon us, let’s talk about love.

Start by thinking about the love you give: is it conditional or unconditional? There are great reasons to learn to do unconditional love.

Unconditional love is what we all...

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Find Your Silver Lining: Free Event

Find Your Silver Lining

We are living in unprecedented times. 
Whether you feel lost, fearful, bored (or even if you're comfortably safe while wrapped up in the four walls at home) this is your chance to get together with us, let go, reconnect and find your silver lining in this pandemic.


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Why You Should Meditate and How You Can

Why You Should Meditate and How You Can

Meditation is no longer for Buddhist monks and yogis. It’s for everyone. Just as exercise is essential for a healthy body, meditation is a surprisingly beneficial workout for your mind. Over 300 clinical studies have confirmed how a regular practice...

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Six Steps to Greatness: How to Identify Yours

Six Steps to Greatness: How to Identify Yours 

Just like fingerprints, everyone is unique. No two people have the same gifts, skills and ways of perceiving the world. Your greatness is uniquely yours and it naturally rises when your being self (who you are deep down on the inside) free flows...

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How to Be More Productive

How to Be More Productive

Sometimes life feels like a never-ending to do list. If only we could get more done, be productive, then we could feel good, right?

If you want to get more done, here are 5 ways you can get more done and be more productive.

1. Feel good first
Most of us want to feel good...

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How to Strengthen the Relationship with the Women in Your Life

How to Strengthen the Relationship with the Women in Your Life

Women make up over 50 % of the population. Whether we’re mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends, fiancées, partners, best friends, colleagues or helpers, women make a great support system and are frequently the...

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Plan and Prepare for the Festive Season

Plan and Prepare for the Festive Season  

The festive season is nearly here, giving many people a well-deserved opportunity to kick back, relax and enjoy themselves with family, friends.
It also brings opportunity for many women to feel even busier, more overwhelmed and more likely to reach...

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