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Ready to Reflect and Plan for the New Year?

Ready to Reflect and Plan for the New Year?

December is the time of year we all start to reflect on our life and any goals we have achieved or haven’t.

Not everyone wants to make a plan for the year. But, I believe, everyone should take every opportunity to reflect on their year.

What many...

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New Year New Vision?

New Year New Vision?

Being human means we have hopes and dreams but most of us run out of steam before making them a reality.

Whilst some lose hope and revert to life’s well used & trusted comfort blanket, others cast aside their blanket, push past the familiar and move their life...

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New Year New Possible

New Year New Possible

There’s no better time than New Year to think and reflect about your hopes, dreams and goals than at the cusp of a new year.

Possible. Everything that you want and dream is possible.

So it doesn't matter how great or terrible this year was for you, next year brings you...

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How to Have Your BEST Christmas Yet!

How to Have the BEST Christmas Yet!

Christmas is nearly here! It a time of heightened emotions: fun, excitement, exhaustion and sometimes, stress. If you calmly and joyously celebrate Christmas each year, wonderful!

If not, I want to help.

Spending time with loved ones, opening presents, gorging...

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Do You Know What You Are Capable Of?

What Are You Capable Of?

A couple of years ago I became ill with one virus after another and was eventually diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I went from feeling fit and healthy and doing the job I love, to having no energy, constant nausea, aching body and a sore and very muggy head.


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Refresh Your Life - 7 Tips to Show You How

Refresh Your Life

Just like the seasons of the earth, we also move through cycles. When you feel like it’s time to start again, get refreshed and feel revitalised, it’s like moving into Spring.

Here’s our top 7 tips to help you refresh your life.

1. Start by identifying what it...

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Enlightened Doing Part 3: Staying on Track

Enlightened Doing Part 3: Staying on Track

Practicing enlightened doing takes time and, like strength training, has a cumulative effect.

Despite your best practice and efforts, at times you may suddenly become aware that there’s no being in your doing. 


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Enlightened Doing Part 2: How to Get Moving

Enlightened Doing Part 2: How to Get Moving

There’s an art to living a happy, successful and fulfilling life.

It requires your Being (the experience of having a peaceful connection with your inner self) and Doing (getting things done) to mostly live in harmony.

When they do,...

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Enlightened Doing Part 1: I Feel Like It’s Taking Forever!

Enlightened Doing Part 1: I Feel Like It’s Taking Forever!

You want to do or achieve something. Thinking of it feels good. You know it’s ‘right’. You are already applying yourself. But for some reason it just feels like its taking forever…

Perhaps it's a simple...

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Six Steps to Greatness: How to Identify Yours

Six Steps to Greatness: How to Identify Yours 

Just like fingerprints, everyone is unique. No two people have the same gifts, skills and ways of perceiving the world. Your greatness is uniquely yours and it naturally rises when your being self (who you are deep down on the inside) free flows...

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