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New Year Means Time for A New Vision

New Year New Vision

This has been a very strange couple of years. Yet despite this, we all remain human.

Being human means we have hopes and dreams but most of us run out of steam before making them a reality.

Whilst some lose hope and revert to life’s well used & trusted comfort blanket, others cast aside their blanket, push past the familiar and move their life forward; overcoming barriers and self-limiting beliefs in the process.

What’s the difference between the New Year dreamers and the end of year achievers? They had a vision. They hold not their vision. The created an action plan. The acted on their action plan and they changed their life. 

Ready for a New Vision for the New year?

That didn't mean those end of year achievers had it easier or suffered less. They just stayed the course. 

You can do the same.

The New Year presents a new opportunity.

Want to know where do they start? With a vision of how you would like 2022 to be. 

Use these 6 keys to help make your New Year New Vision a reality and prepare to celebrate this time next year.

6 Keys to New Year New Vision

  1. Make sure your vision is for YOU, not anyone else.
  2. Make sure your vision has meaning for YOU. Whilst you can involve others and ask for their help, your life is your own.
  3. If your vision has no direct meaning for you personally, you won’t drive it!
  4. Moving towards achieving your vision may mean you have to face your fears. It will certainly mean overcoming barriers and setbacks.
  5. Once you have your vision, create your meaningful plan. Creating your plan already moves you halfway towards making your vision a reality. The other half is action.
  6. Be prepared to ask for help, guidance and support, whether that be from a friend, family member, partner or a professional coach or mentor. Help can be as simple as a warm hug when you’re feeling low, or as nerve wracking as seeking professional input to help you face your biggest fears! Regardless, never under estimate the level of support you may need and make sure you always ask for it, whether it is big or small.

Life is what you make it. Why not commit to establishing a vision, making your dreams come true and setting some goals so you can achieve them.

Comfort blankets are great and the familiar can feel nice. 

Simply wishing your life to be better doesn’t work. Work does.

So why not become a New Year achiever instead of a New Year dreamer.

Let’s purposefully consciously drive your life forward into the promise of opportunity that 2024 holds for everyone.

You really matter and happiness in this life is really down to you. Come on, let’s take the time to shine and make that plan. The world is waiting…

Love Zoe X

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