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How I Learned to Have Faith in Myself

Faith in Myself

In general I have no problem having faith and believing that everyone is capable of achieving great things. I know people can find the necessary support and encouragement along the way to help them: sometimes that’s me!

However when it comes to myself, sometimes the support...

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Shirley’s Rebirth After a Strong Decision

Shirley’s Rebirth

For me this life has been about recognizing parts of myself that I kept so well hidden that I genuinely never knew they existed! I enjoy exploring this and at times it feels like I’m re- birthing every 5mins!

There have been times that I have chosen fresh starts and...

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Why It's Good to Be More You

Why it's Good to Be More You

You would think that being yourself would be the easiest thing in the world: after all it’s physically impossible to be anyone else. However do you feel like you can be yourself? Anytime? Sometime? Most of the time? Always?

Life never waits- the earth continues...

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How to Truly Love Your Body

How to Love Your Body

Love your body- a lot has been written about and spoken about on this subject.

Do you love your body? Respect it’s needs and make choices to honour those needs?

Or do you tell it what it needs: how it should look, how it should feel, what it should be able to cope with...

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Pain and Discomfort in the Body

Pain and Discomfort in the Body

Pain and discomfort in the body is an internal alarm mechanism designed to tell us that something is wrong. It’s well established that mindfulness practices help, yet when experiencing pain or discomfort in their body, many people become able to only focus on...

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