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How to Find Space and Time for You: Part 1

How to Find Space and Time for You: Part 1

Limited vs. limitless– the contradictory nature of being a human being.

You want more and you can feel your potential. It feels limitless!

Yet at the same time, you experience your limitations: space, time, money, skills, faith...

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How to Let Go of Pain and Move On

How to Let Go of Pain and Move On

Do you still think about something that happened ten years ago? That person that really hurt you? That moment in time when it felt like your life somehow went wrong?

People hold onto pain for a number of reasons. One reason is that holding onto it reminds them...

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Why Rest and Relaxation Matters

Why Rest and Relaxation Matters

If you often feel tired, exhausted, short-fused or even emotionally out of sorts, you might need some rest and relaxation! Life is increasingly busier, expectations are rising and in a digitally connected world, this can make switching off difficult. If you want to...

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Find Your Silver Lining: Free Event

Find Your Silver Lining

We are living in unprecedented times. 
Whether you feel lost, fearful, bored (or even if you're comfortably safe while wrapped up in the four walls at home) this is your chance to get together with us, let go, reconnect and find your silver lining in this pandemic.


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The Most Important Person to Love Is....

The Most Important Person to Love Is....

Do you know that the most important person that you can ever love isn’t your spouse, romantic partner or even your mother & father. It isn’t even your child. The most important person you can ever love is yourself.

Unless you are capable of...

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How to Spring Clean Your Life- A Guide

Spring Clean Your Life

Spring- the air is warming, the bees are buzzing and life is renewing. It’s a time where your energies naturally rebuild and you look forward to months ahead. If, however, you’re not quite bouncing like a spring lamb and/or feel it’s time for some...

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How to Feel More Beautiful

How to Feel More Beautiful

Whilst most of us don’t look like supermodels, every woman wants to feel beautiful. After all beautiful women sell everything for good reason. Beauty = perceived greater value. Why? Because beauty FEELS good. When we feel beautiful we feel lighter, brighter and...

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Be Honest with Yourself and Be More YOU

Be Honest with Yourself

I’ve learnt that I can’t be the best version of me without being truthful and honest with myself.  It feels strange to say that out loud as I’ve always thought of myself as a very honest and open person!

However, when I look at this more closely,...

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Why You Want to Drop the Faรงade to Find Love

Why You Want to Drop the Façade to Find Love

If you’re about to go on a date, I’m going to suggest you don’t make too much of a big effort.

Why? Let me tell you a story...

A client of man was rich and wanted to find love.

But he faced an issue: were the women there for...

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The Mind Can Be Crazy - A Poem

The Mind Can Be Crazy

We received this wonderful poem from a fabulous woman who is currently working very hard to overcome her anxiety. Turning struggle into art takes courage and is always fabulously therapeutic. We hope you love it and can take time to turn your life’s lemons into...

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